Daily Archives: May 25, 2009

Fossil or Not?

Fossil or Not? I found this buried in the backyard while mowing, Kasey did the initial excavation. It’s oddly shaped, and has crusty things all over the surface, so I’ve been trying to figure out what it is most of … Continue reading

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North Korean Nuclear Test

North Korean Nuclear Test North Korea has performed another underground nuclear test, and test launched more missiles. Video from AP President Obama’s Statement: Today, North Korea said that it has conducted a nuclear test in violation of international law. It … Continue reading

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Memorial Day 2009

Memorial Day 2009 The history of taps from Tapsbugler.com. If you’ve been in the military or a military family you have mixed emotions about this 24 note song – heard at dusk it means end of day, you and yours … Continue reading

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