A communist* makes an admission after all these years. From the New York Times:
But on Thursday, Mr. Sobell, 91, dramatically reversed himself, shedding new light on a case that still fans smoldering political passions. In an interview, he admitted for the first time that he had been a Soviet spy.
And he implicated his fellow defendant Julius Rosenberg, in a conspiracy that delivered to the Soviets classified military and industrial information and what the American government described as the secret to the atomic bomb.
What will all the moonbats and Democrat politicians who have defended the Rosenburgs all these years since say now?
* Nowadays they are called “Greens” and “Progressives” — everytime the American people figure out what these groups are really about they reform and change their names. Currently their vanguard groups are ANSWER, World Can’t Wait, and Code Pink.
I also read somewhere that Robert Oppenheimer, one of the chief scientists during the Manhattan Project was in on this espionage because he believed that no one country should possess the power of the atom. We had a 10 year lead time
on the bomb, but the spy case cut it to 5 years.
“What will all the moonbats and Democrat politicians who have defended the Rosenburgs all these years since say now?”
They will say nothing. Probably they will change the subject to global warming and the need for the U.S. to restrain itself, never consciously realizing that the two issues are related.
The story appears to jibe with my own conclusions from a few decades back: the Rosenburgs were guilty of espionage, yet NOT for what they were convicted of, but something else. The Supremes decision on their execution was split for this very good reason. The reason the Rosenburgs were executed rather than imprisoned was probably to keep them from telling anybody just how much the FBI knew.