Daily Archives: March 19, 2008

Tonight’s Fuzzy Moon

There’s a lot of haze in the air tonight and clouds, I had to catch a gap to get this, the focus took the clouds and not the moon, and the ASA was wrong. Ah well, kinda pretty anyway. , … Continue reading

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Moonbats and Neo-Winter Stooges

IVAW, and their socialist friends from Code Pink demonstrated against the war in DC today, John Lilyea was there to capture it all in photos. Please stop by.

Posted in Politics | 1 Comment

New Osama Bin Laden Message Coming

Site has reported that a new message will be forthcoming from Osama Bin Laden. From Reuters: Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is expected to release a new message, the U.S.-based terrorism monitoring service SITE Institute said on Wednesday.The message is … Continue reading

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The Best Things in Life Aren’t Free

With the dollar in free-fall and Congress providing bread and circuses rather than action (the “stimuli check”, the Waxman Steroid Witchunts) you have to wonder why we elect these people. The best thing Congress could do tomorrow to stop the … Continue reading

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