New Osama Bin Laden Message Coming

Site has reported that a new message will be forthcoming from Osama Bin Laden. From Reuters:

Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is expected to release a new message, the U.S.-based terrorism monitoring service SITE Institute said on Wednesday.The message is entitled, “The Response Will Be What You See, Not What You Hear,” SITE said in a release.   

This is interesting in the wake of four attacks in Pakistan since we hit Al Libi – will Osama be telling us who we got, and is the speculation that Ayman Al Zawahiri is dead correct, or did we hit Baitullah Mehsud?:

 Jawa has the video, it’s a static pic of Uncle Binny with a voice over Motoon rant.     

UPDATE: Osama Bin Laden is dead, and has been for a while. I agree with Rusty’s analysis at Jawa, this is old retread tape from ’06. If Uncle Binny (I spit in the milk of his mother) is alive, then he needs proof of life for the Taliboys and Jihooties, they are certainly getting not only demoralized, but killed in droves.

The tape is generic mentioning zero current events that are important (Wilder Film, Pakistan elections, assasination of Bhutto, death of Al Libi, Yemen attacks, the Yeshiva attack, the list of things that could have been mentioned goes on and on.) This appears to have been made during the period of the first Motoon uproar, when the Pope was more in the news, and as such the tape is a fraud.

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