Daily Archives: March 3, 2008

The Singularity and the Singularity Institute

I’m posting this for my Mom, who asked about the Singularity, and what it’s all about this weekend. This is the most concise explanation that I can find, from the Singularity Institute. She’s a big Isaac Asimov fan, so grasped … Continue reading

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Strange Goings on at Taftan Border Crossing

There have been more Taliban arrested transiting out of Pakistan into Iran this last week, and in the nearby town of Quetta a third journalist from an Urdu Daily has dissappeared. From the Daily Times: QUETTA: An Urdu newspaper journalist … Continue reading

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Taliban Destroy Second Cell Tower

Afgha.com reports a second cell tower destroyed by the Taliban in Helmand. He has some speculation about why, and I will add to it after the blockquote below: Taliban fighters destroyed a cellular phone tower in southern Afghanistan on Sunday, … Continue reading

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Puppy Tooth

Kasie is losing her puppy teeth, here’s one next to a dime.

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Pakistan to Launch Offensive in Wake of Three Suicide Attacks?

The Taliban and Al Qaeda have made their strategy clear by three massive suicide attacks in the past four days that murdered over 85 muslims, and which maimed many others. Another attack on an army outpost also occurred and they … Continue reading

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