Benazir in Karachi

UPDATE: 132 dead in twin blasts targetting Benazir Bhutto’s caravan. Benazir is safe, but casualties are still being counted. This is utmost evil, this is not a holy war by anyone — it’s an attempt to stop democracy in Pakistan by the extremists.  Story at IBN:

Two explosions went off Thursday night near a truck carrying former prime minister Benazir Bhutto on her celebratory return to Pakistan, killing more than 100 people and wounding at least 150, an official said.
Pakistan People’s Party workers and police said Bhutto, who returned on Thursday after eight years in self-imposed exiled, was unhurt.
An initial small explosion was followed by a huge blast just feet from the front of the truck carrying Bhutto during a procession to the tomb of Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan.
The blast shattered windows in her vehicle and set a police escort vehicle on fire. Those traveling atop the truck with Bhutto climbed down, with one man jumping off while others used a ladder.
Police Chief Azhar Farooqi told Dawn News that Bhutto was rushed from the area under contingency plans. ”She was evacuated very safely and is now in Bilawal House,” Farooqi said, referring to Bhutto’s residence in Karachi

Here’s a link to the series of photos from the blasts, *warning some are graphic*


Benazir Bhutto has landed in Karachi and greeted her supporters. They were hundreds of thousands of Pakistan People’s Party on hand to greet her, and many members of other parties who just seek change to status quo. Benazir will speak at a gathering tonight, more from AP/Breitbart.

Bhutto told the BBC upon arriving in Karachi, Pakistan’s largest city, on a flight from Dubai that she was “excited and overwhelmed” to be back in Pakistan.

“It just goes to show that miracles can happen,” Bhutto was quoted as saying. “I dreamt of this day for a very long time.”

Bhutto, who leads the Pakistan People’s Party and has twice served as the country’s prime minister, is widely tipped to become the next prime minister.

Asked if this is indeed her desire, she told the BBC, “If this is the honor that the people of Pakistan wish to accord to me, it would be a privilege for me to serve them.”

“But this is really something that the people must decide through free, fair and impartial elections.”

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3 Responses to Benazir in Karachi

  1. Ornery Elephant says:

    Thanos, you stated:

    ” This is utmost evil, this is not a holy war by anyone — it’s an attempt to stop democracy in Pakistan by the extremists”

    “Stop democracy” ….to me that says it all. It further proves my claim that islam is simply an ideology, political in nature. The sooner islam is taken off the protected list of religions and is viewed the same way every other violent political ideology has been in Man’s history, the sooner it can be stopped.

    How many dead will it take? How many innocents must be maimed for life? How many dreams must be shattered before the World wakes up to the biggest lie ever put forth?

  2. Ornery Elephant says:

    add on:

    mohammed lied, people are STILL dying

  3. Thanos says:

    The terrorism in the Mid-east and the subcontinent has never been about the West in reality; it’s always been about gaining power for thugs in the Islamic world. Whether through destabilizing a neighor with terror groups, or causing war and strife, or insurrection in an Islamic country they are always murdering more muslims than westerners.

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