The World of Noblesse


 Here’s a picture of where my readers come from, as you can see they are spread over the world, but mostly in the US. You can see folks from the mid-east, troops from Diego Garcia (That dot in the Indian Ocean,) and from all seven six continents.

I express strong views on the site, but things that nobody should differ on are basic facts around any event or situation. Where readers see facts omitted or incorrect, I sure would like to hear about it in comments. Also, if you have an  opinion I welcome it, that’s not an open invitation to argue my opinion however, more an invitation to hear your opinion whether opposed or not.

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2 Responses to The World of Noblesse

  1. emawkc says:

    Factual Error: You mention that you have hits from all seven continents, however I don’t see any red dots on Antarctica. Just sayin’.

  2. Thanos says:

    Thanks, you are correct. I have fixed it!

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