Mike Gallagher a Hero, But Boycott his Show

Mike Gallagher has done something great, he’s a wonderful talk show host of a nationally syndicated radio show, but you should boycott his show just one time. While driving home this evening I heard about this at KCMO from the Jerry Agar show.

There is pure evil that is instantly recognizable to all sane people, an instance of that is the sadist who murdered the five Amish schoolchildren, and who shot five others. Just as evil as he is are the members of the Westboro Baptist Church, led by Fred and Shirley Phelps, who planned to protest at the funeral holding signs with statements such as:

Your daughters are Whores who will burn in hell

Fred and Shirley are publicity seekers, they protest at gay funerals, at military funerals, and other events to “get their message across”.

Mike called them to see what he could do to get the Phelps not to protest at the Amish funeral, and he managed a deal. He’s going to give them an hour of time on his national show to preach their hate. He’s a hero, but… please don’t listen to the Phelps when they are on his show. Mike has it set in a contract that if they protest at the funeral, that an hour of the show is worth 500k, so you get what will happen if they fail to show. In turn, Shirley Phelps, who professes to be a lawyer, made it so Mike can’t debate the statements they make. There is no counterpoint, so just boycott this one show, and please tune in for all other Mike Gallagher shows.

My opinion: the Phelps are sick sad sunsabitches for even thinking about doing this — if you follow them you are inhuman, you are scum.

More at Euphoric Reality

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