Note to University of Wisconsin –this guy doesn’t tell lies about 9/11, why don’t you ask for his resume:
Kevin Barrett, one of the loons who is claiming that 9/11 was a US government plot was hired over many objections to teach Islamic Studies at the University of Wisconsin. In a move Friday, 61 Legislators and lawmakers from Wisconsin have sent a letter to the Board of Regents there,
was hired over many objections to teach Islamic Studies at the University of Wisconsin. In a move Friday, 61 Legislators and lawmakers from Wisconsin have sent a letter to the Board of Regents there, as:
Kevin Barett was hired over many objections to teach Islamic Studies at the University of Wisconsin. In a move Friday, 61 Legislators and lawmakers from Wisconsin have sent a letter to the Board of Regents there, as :
A letter sent Thursday and signed by 52 Assembly representatives and nine state senators condemns a decision to let Kevin Barrett teach an introductory class on Islam this fall.
UW-Madison Provost Pat Farrell launched a review after Barrett spoke last month on a talk show about his views that the terrorist attacks were the result of a government conspiracy to spark war in the Middle East. After the review, Farrell said Barrett was a qualified instructor who can present his views as one perspective on the attacks.
“I still have every expectation this will be a very positive educational experience for our students,” Farrell said Thursday. “Some are upset about Mr. Barrett’s viewpoints on 9/11 and don’t want to pay much attention to what makes for a quality educational experience.”
Republican Rep. Steve Nass said the lawmakers’ letter, which called Barrett’s views “academically dishonest,” sends a strong message to top UW leaders.
“When 61 legislators condemn a decision by UW-Madison and demand the dismissal of Kevin Barrett, the leadership of the UW System operates at its own peril if it continues to ignore views of the taxpayers,” Nass said in a statement.
It’s thoroughly disingenuous to claim this is about academic freedom. The public has had enough of our colleges, and especially our teaching colleges, being the next-to-the-last bastion of Communist and Socialist ideologies in the west. (Castro and Chavez are the last bastions.)
We get the likes of Ward Churchill and this loon for our tax dollars and high tuitions, meanwhile our workers and graduates are under-par with many others in the world. Note to academia: if you are going to hire folks who oppose american views, then at least hire those who are honest.
It’s time to support truth in education over moral relativism, multiculturalism, and the dregs of socialism in america. It’s time to take back our colleges starting at the teaching colleges.
This incident makes Wisconsin look stupid and the UW admin like moonbats.
It reduces the value of my UW-Madison degree and that of my fellow and future alums to employers.
It not like this guy is even some famed scholar or something. He is just a 2-bit paid per class lecturer. If they could not find somebody reasonable to teach the class, they should have cancelled it. There are plenty of alternatives at UW-Madison to take.