Automakers Get 17.4 Billion of Our Money

I’m a confirmed, committed capitalist but the 17.4 billion dollar bailout of Detroit is not capitalism at all — it’s corporate socialism, or you could call it Union Welfare as well. This is sickening beyond belief so I will reprint the new Chrysler/GM/Ford ad, h/t Virginia Postrel:


Update: the Term sheet for GM bailout. (.PDF link)

Update: Ford is not getting bailed out, hat’s off to them, and perhaps my next car purchase will be a Ford, although that’s sacrilege in this family.

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2 Responses to Automakers Get 17.4 Billion of Our Money

  1. Clay says:

    Bush overextended his power. This is antiConstitutional. For the first time in his administration, he opponents may have ground for impeachment.

  2. babyming says:

    I’m unemployed, worried about losing my home to foreclosure, and desperate for any government stimulus to the economy. And even I want to see the Detroit auto companies go bankrupt. The unholy alliance of mediocrity between the auto executives and the UAW has been a drag on the economy for decades. Buying a car is a major family purchase, both financially and safety-wise, and the American public has spoken loud and clear: we don’t want your inferior cars. I hope Obama doesn’t pour money into Detroit, the way Bush poured money into Iraq. There are some things that even trillions of taxpayer dollars can’t fix; Iraq and GM both qualify.

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