Housing Problem: McCain or Obama?

This is Capitalism vs. Crooks.

Who cares if McCain’s wife and kids have 7 or 8 homes between them if they earned the money to buy them with? Isn’t that what america is about? Is one of your dreams to have a second vacation home somewhere? In the US, with the exception of a small minority of socialists chanting about social justice, we aren’t about envy or begrudging what others might have.

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4 Responses to Housing Problem: McCain or Obama?

  1. wildbegger says:

    In every election, especially the one for the White House, the
    Democrats always play the class warfare card. The poor have-
    nots are the victims of rich Republican policies to give tax
    breaks to the oil companies etc…This is not new and very
    seldom works for anyone who works and can think…

  2. ChenZhen says:

    Who cares if McCain’s wife and kids have 7 or 8 homes between them if they earned the money to buy them with? Isn’t that what america is about? Is one of your dreams to have a second vacation home somewhere?

    Or, to be able to afford a $400 haircut?

    And after the 2004 ribbing that Kerry got for all the wealth he married into, I think its safe to say that this meme is a cheap shot that comes from both sides when the ball is on the tee.

    McCain left the ball on the tee, bigtime.

  3. Thanos says:

    Well I think this is going to harm Oboemeister most in the long run.

  4. wildbegger says:

    Obama picked Joe Biden for his running mate, an inexperienced
    junior senator who has done nothing in the U.S. Senate except
    run for POTUS and a big mouth who speaks before he thinks.
    Just what this country needs at this time….

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