Monthly Archives: June 2008

Another Haditha Marine Exonerated

1st Lt Andrew Grayson’s honor is unbesmirched as he was fully acquitted of charges for the Haditha incident. This isn’t going to make Murtha happy. As more comes to light on the incident it has become apparent that Haditha was an agitpropaganda … Continue reading

Posted in Journalism, Politics | 1 Comment

Remembering Tienanmen Square: China It’s Time to Release the Prisoners

Please take a stop by Lawhawk’s – today is the 19 year anniversary of the day the Tankman became a world reknowned figure.

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You Know Things Are Bad When

You know thing are bad when the UN calls for Capitalism. Ban Ki Moon called for the end to tariffs, protectionism, and trade barriers in face of mounting food inflation: “We simply cannot afford to fail,” the UN secretary general … Continue reading

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It’s June, there are graduations, and the usual silly season has started with journalists reporting alien sightings. I’ve taken a brief hiatus to enjoy the Spring, as there haven’t been too many warm days this year until the past two weeks. In … Continue reading

Posted in Journalism, Politics, Science | 2 Comments