Pakistan Update Gilani Knows How to Stir The Pot, But Who’s the Cook?

As I predicted after the new Pakistani Prime Minister’s speech about removing the Frontier Crime Regulations (FCR’s) and the Black Laws, the Taliban is demanding their style of Sharia as the only suitable replacement.

The tribal elders from Baitullah Mehsud’s region as well as his spokes-puppet, Mullah Umar, are both putting forth the proposition that you can petition the parliament with threats (veiled.) [Note: the papers call him “Maulvi Omar” – which is the more respectful term, probably to differentiate from the other; I’ll call him “Mullah” with a U instead of an O in Omar just to differentiate from the real Mullah Omar.]

Of course the tribal elders probably had some incentive to join with the call for TTP Sharia.

This editorial is good at examining the nuances of the Taliban demands, but essentially they are demanding something the Pakistani Government can’t deliver as a precondition to laying down arms. (The US out of Afghanistan.)

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2 Responses to Pakistan Update Gilani Knows How to Stir The Pot, But Who’s the Cook?

  1. Jeffrey Nihart says:

    Is it Sharia law or Islamic perversions of the law?

    Jeffrey Nihart

  2. Thanos says:

    The Taliban version of Islamic Sharia Law is the harshest interpretation there is, it’s essentially 7th century slavery for the entire populace to a local Emir.

    All Sharia is bad sharia in my books for civil and criminal law as it abrogates individual rights no matter how enlightened a version is applied, but Taliban Sharia is the absolute worst.

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