Captured Al Qaeda High Value Target Now in Gitmo

Authorities declined to say when and where Muhamad Rahim was captured, but The Nation seems to know, this from last August:

Al-Qaeda and Taliban have received another setback when their two important aides were arrested from different places in Pakistan, sources said Wednesday.
Muhammad Rahim was arrested few days back from Lahore while Sheikh Ilyas Khel was netted from the general bus-stand in Peshawar, the sources maintained. According to them, Rahim was Osama bin Laden’s special aide, hailing from Nangarhar province of Afghanistan, while the other had worked for Laden as translator and guide during his stay in Afghanistan. Rahim was chief of Qaeda’s team, which was engaged in negotiations with the Afghan govt-nominated commanders including Hazrat Ali in early 2002.
Ilyas Khel was an active commander of late Maulvi Younas Khalis of Hizb-e-Islami Afghanistan. 

Jammie Wearing Fool has an Update here

Ed at Hot Air has an update Here

Fox News article Here 

The Long War Journal has an update here.

Reuters Article here with more details on Rahim

USA Today article here.

Authorities also grabbed Sheik Ilyas Khel, also an AQ HVT. Left a mystery still is what Egyptian(s) were killed in this Strike.

Worthy of Note:

More at Free Republic

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3 Responses to Captured Al Qaeda High Value Target Now in Gitmo

  1. JWF says:

    The Nation article from Pakistan is dated 8/07. Looks like we spent quite a bit of time debriefing Rahim before announcing we had him.

  2. Thanos says:

    Yep, I’m surprised I missed that last August, but there was a lot going on then.

  3. JWF says:

    I don’t think anyone caught that last summer. Good catch though; haven’t seen that posted elsewhere. Anyway, I linked your item.

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