Terror Attack on Israeli School

Little Green Footballs is covering a terror attack on an Israeli school where between six and eigth are reported dead. Israellycool is also liveblogging the event from Israel.

From Haaretz:

Seven students were killed and nine others were wounded Thursday evening when terrorists infiltrated the Mercaz Harav yeshiva in the Kiryat Moshe neighborhood in Jerusalem, police said.
One terrorist was also killed, according to police.
Three of the injured were listed as being in serious condition and taken to Hadassah Medical Center in Ein Karem, while the other six were lightly hurt and taken to Sha’arei Tzedek Medical Center. MDA declared the incident a “multiple casualty event.”

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One Response to Terror Attack on Israeli School

  1. Thanos says:

    Things like this are terrible, and they are evil. They elicit strong passions, and I’ve deleted two comments; one from each side of the question. One went over the top, calling for extermination, the other was a pack of lies.

    To speak to the second, if Palestinians suffer it is not through fault of Israel. They could get help from any of their neighbors, including Jordan where millions of palestinians live. Egypt could open their border. So if they have problems it’s not Israel’s fault. Israel supplies Palestine with power, and treats Palestinians in their hospitals when Hamas isn’t using the ambulances to smuggle guns and bombs. Today more rockets will fall on Sderot and Ashkelon, that is Hamas’ fault, and the Palestinians elected them.

    Note to all readers: Calls to exterminate will always get deleted, organizations like CAIR love to pull things like that off the web to justify their political aims in America.

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