Maoist Terrorists Attack Festival in India: 18 Dead

Maoist Terrorists have attacked a festival in Eastern India, firing into the crowd of celebrants killing 14, including the son of a politician who led a crackdown on the Maoists. Story at AP.  Notice how AP calls them “rebels”.

Communist rebels opened fire on a crowd of revelers at a festival in eastern India on Saturday, killing a politician’s son and 17 other people, police said.

About 25 Maoist guerrillas attacked the village festival in the remote state of Jharkhand, firing indiscriminately, local police chief Arun Kumar Singh told The Associated Press.

Among the dead was Anuplal Marandi, the son of the state’s former chief minister, Babulal Marandi, he said. The politician was thought to be on the rebel’s hit list after leading a crackdown against them while in office, Singh said.

Some 14 people were killed in the attack and four others died later in a hospital. Three more people were wounded, he said. The rebels, who frequently target police and government officials, also threw a bomb into the crowd before fleeing.

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