Waziristan Peace Jirga Breakdown

Dawn reports that the peace demands of the local tribal leaders have been turned down by the Uzbeks, and this means the fighting will continue after 130 AQAM have already been killed. It’s either that or they better move fast out of the region. ISAF should be watching across the border in Afghanistan, they are likely headed that way if they retreat.

More from Dawn:

TANK: A tribal jirga on Friday failed to broker a peace deal between combatant foreigners and local militants to end the four-day fighting in the restive South Waziristan Agency, well-placed sources said.

The sources said talks collapsed when local militant commander Maulvi Nazir linked permanent truce with the surrender of foreign militants residing in the region bordering Afghanistan.

They said Maulvi Nazir had tabled two conditions for a ceasefire – surrender of the foreigners and a guarantee by them that in future they would demonstrate good conduct. But foreigners and their local collaborators turned down both the conditions, they said.

MNA from tribal area Maulvi Mirajuddin, influential tribal cleric Maulna Ainullah, Bakhta Jan, militant commander Baitullah Mehsud and Sirajuddin Haqqani, son of the prominent Afghan commander Maulvi Jalaluddin Haqqani, were negotiating to broker a ceasefire.

Much like the tribal wars of the early American West, anything in Waziristan can turn another direction at any time.

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