Tag Archives: iranian

Iranian Special Forces Responsible for Karbala Captured

This is an important update to an article I posted Friday the 6th, it appears that the “Hezbollah” or Qods force operatives captured are the agents that planned and executed the Karbala attack. You might remember this from early last year — … Continue reading

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Iranian Backed Hezbollah Captured in Iraq

Our forces captured a Hezbollah operative today Southeast of Baghdad, and it appears that they’ve opted to become actively and openly engaged in Iraq according to this article: The U.S. military in Iraq has captured the deputy military chief of the … Continue reading

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Should MeK be Removed From the Terror Watchlist?

Since Mujahadin-e-Khalq has provided us intelligence on Iranian weapons initiatives, Quds force weapons smuggling, and Revolutionary Guards operations within Iraq there is a movement afoot to get them removed from the Terrorist organization lists in some countries. The intel they … Continue reading

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