Category Archives: Space

The Moon Up Close in HD; Courtesy Kaguya Probe

The Moon Up Close in HD; Courtesy Kaguya Probe Amazing and beautiful high definition footage of the moon from Japan’s Kaguya probe, in four more days Kaguya’s mission will end as it impacts the surface of the moon.

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Tales of Brave Ulysses: Solar Winds Ebb to Fifty Year Low

The solar winds are now the lowest they’ve been in fifty years, meaning that the Sun’s effects on our solar system are also at an ebb. The Ulysses solar probe is providing these measurements, and the winds have not only … Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Energy, Environment, Science, Space, Technology | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Space is a Moral Imperative

Expansion into space is a must for the future survival of humanity, right now all of our eggs are in one fragile basket.

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Obama Schooled on Defense

What is Barack’s stance on the Taiwan straits? How does he want to handle Myanmar? Where is he at on South America? What would he do if Hugo Chavez invaded Panama, Costa Rica, Ecuador, or Columbia? What’s his position on North Korea? What would he do about the increasing belligerence of Russia? Where does he stand on Tibet? What would he do if Kosovo and Serbia go to war, and Europe starts choosing up sides? Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Space, The Future | 7 Comments

Let the Strength of Peace Run Through This Land

I know I can never return To the time of hope when I was born Let the strength of peace run through my hand When we walk away from the stone’s roar Then I will be afraid no more And now … Continue reading

Posted in Freedom, Politics, Space, Technology, The Future | 3 Comments

Satellite Shootdown Success

In a great testament to the fact that “Star Wars” does work, and that you can hit a bullet with a bullet, another Reagan legacy shone tonight. The US Navy successfully shot down the failed satellite this evening, preventing a … Continue reading

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Space Round up

The Space Shuttle Discovery is on its return trip, and will make a daylight landing with a coast to coast re-entry. The astronauts had a successful mission, and repaired a torn solar panel as part of an extra-credit problem. Asian … Continue reading

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Star Wars Works

President Reagans’ dream of an America secure from Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) made another step towards becoming reality today in a successful test of mid-flight interception – something critics in the 80’s said couldn’t be done. From AP: An intercontinental … Continue reading

Posted in Science, Space, Technology, The Future | 5 Comments

STS-118 Space Shuttle Endeavor Readies for Launch

Slated to take of at 6:36 EDT, Space Shuttle Endeavor is now on the pad fueling. You can watch live here.

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Phoenix Rises Enroute to Mars

The Phoenix Mars mission hit a rain delay yesterday and instead took off this morning. The launch was clean, and one of our frequent commenters caught the trail, but not the takeoff — Aknot describes the scene below: I verified … Continue reading

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