Since the pre-leak of the announcement there’s been lots of discussion of how progressive Tim Kaine is or isn’t, some of it emanating from the Berniacs, however much is also coming from the usual anti-Hillary camps. You know them, those edge forces who are going to vote Jill Stein or people masquerading as social libertarians but who really land on the tribal nationalist right if you lift their mask.
Their usual approach to the argument is through concern trolling (e.g. “Does Hillary really support LGBT causes enough? etc.)These same forces helped Barrack overcome Hillary through some pretty insidious campaigns when she ran the first time with the thought in mind that Obama couldn’t possibly win. That backfired big time, but here they are trying again.
So here is my take:
Because Financial and Banking regulations are crafted or blocked in the Senate, taking Tim out of that picture while leaving Booker, Sanders, and Warren in place to lead the efforts is really a stealth progressive move. Whether intentional or not removing Kaine pulls someone who wants to deregulate for Capital 1, or whatever the argument is, totally out of the picture. If progressives really want to aid the cause they can stop kvetching about this move and start lobbying Virginia’s governor to appoint a true progressive to back fill Kaine.