Daily Archives: December 7, 2009

Creationism: Still Crazy After all These Years

Creationism: Still Crazy After all These Years Eugenie Scott is always a good listen.

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O’Reilly: Atheists are Picking on Baby Jesus Again!

O’Reilly: Atheists are Picking on Baby Jesus Again! Disclaimer: I”m an atheist, I celebrate the heck out of Christmas, and I can support science as well – it’s the best of all worlds. I entreat you to enjoy the season, … Continue reading

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Lawhawk on the Dollars and Sense of Emission Reductions

Lawhawk on the Dollars and Sense of Emission Reductions Lawhawk has a good article up on what it takes to really reduce to emissions targets that our President will talk about in Copenhagen; I recommend you stop by and read … Continue reading

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Things That Wake You in the Night

Things that wake you in the night What wakes you from sound sleep in the middle of the night? For me it’s usually thoughts of mortality – the past few years it’s been the mortality of our species, or the … Continue reading

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