Monthly Archives: April 2009

Penn on a Trillion

What’s a Trillion? Penn does get one thing wrong in this video, if you are on the Glen Beck show it’s always going to be Glen who’s the biggest nut. But hey, these are nutty times.

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Spring Some flowers snapped while walking Kasey

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Fusion Hope, or Fusion Hype?

I’ve seen this cycle in the past – new breakthroughs ballyhooed, lots of articles, and then… nothing. It always occurs when it looks likely that someone actually might start building a new nuclear fission energy plant Continue reading

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Sherriff Joe on PBS

This is egregiously wrong, since I can’t recall any illegal immigrants burnt in ovens. Bottom line: if you have to dig out Hitler and make comparisons in a discussion you are definitely on the weaker end of it, and you should always be called on it because it really diminishes the true horror of the Holocaust through trivialization. Continue reading

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