Happy Easter


Happy Easter

A photo fitting for this day of hope and inspiration for so many.

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3 Responses to Happy Easter

  1. wildbegger says:

    And a very Happy Easter to CPT Phillips who has just been freed by
    the U.S. Navy from being held captive by the pirates off the coast
    of Somalia….I’m sure you’ll follow up on this Thanos…

  2. Thanos says:

    I only follow up on the things that aren’t being paid attention to, this one’s really great and will be all over the news. Now if only people had been paying attention last year when I said that something needed to be done about the pirates and their base…

  3. wildbegger says:

    Now if the other hostages being held by the pirates are freed either by
    force or ransom, we need to recommission one of our old battle wagons
    and rearrange the coastline of Somalia…

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