What Now Democrats?

What Now Democrats?

The voters in the US are cyclic and this is their season of sorrow. The left is now ensconced in political power the likes of which they haven’t really seen since the days of the Johnson presidency. They have a near supermajority in the legislative branch, and they hold the executive branch as well. In this season their usual excuses can not hold any longer.

Singing a song of sorrow and blaming the Republicans for every ill won’t work and will ring hollow if even attempted now. The left has to put up or shut up after years of  proclaiming of what they could do if only the electorate would place them back in power. Well now they have and the Democrats have to demonstrate with real actions or it could become a two and out scenario.

That doesn’t create an environment for good decision making on their part and they will likely tackle symptoms vs the real problems because of the groups they are beholden to. The big dilemmas in this early part of the century aren’t what most folks think they are. Energy independence and clean energy make for fine bumper stickers but the real problem is clean energy abundance for the world. Making the US an island of energy wealth in a sea of energy poverty is the fail and it will isolate and destroy capitalism. The retrograde or luddite factions in the Democrat party  will try to create an environment of energy paucity and high cost because ever since Schumacher wrote “Small is Beautiful” energy itself is the evil, not the solution.

They will likely continue to prosecute the war in Afghanistan, but fail to address the roots of terror. These run deep, and are a legacy of the death of communism, the rise of radical Islam, and pockets of tribal nationalism around the world. These causes are not addressed easily but longer term the end to permanent refugee cities must be sought. If you seek out any terror group you will find a large burgeoning city of ethnic refugees at some countrie’s border.

 Whether these be the banilieus of France, the hellhole of Gaza, the Afghan refugee camps in Pakistan, the Terai Nationalist camps in Nepal and India, the Tamil camps in Sri Lanka, the Islamist camps in Thailand, or the Karen Camps in Thailand, other countries will exploit them and give rise to terror groups to destabilize their neighbors. When these camps are allowed to grow unabated and become ethnic nationlist refuges then you will get terror in large doses.

The ideologies as well must be attacked but the refugee camps are the start point, and new permanent refugee camps should not be created.

Now that the Democrats are back in power will the word Freedom be rehabilitated? Will they oppose the major tyrannies around the world? I don’t expect much from them on this front, but “the Sybil,” Joe Biden’s crisis is coming and the electorate is watching.

On the economic front the only thing we have to fear is fear itself, but will the Dems realize this in time, or will they play up the current economic crisis for all its specious worth just to milk more “social justice” out of the wallets of taxpayers? That’s a hard call to make at the moment but all indicators are for a continued period of talking down the economy.

The challenges ahead are great, and long term solutions are needed – what can we expect from the small-spirited and attention deficit Democrats over the next year?

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4 Responses to What Now Democrats?

  1. “The challenges ahead are great, and long term solutions are needed – what can we expect from the small-spirited and attention deficit Democrats over the next year?”

    Nothing but it was Bush’s fault that “change you can believe in” got crushed. They are already prepping for that diatribe and their inevitable policy failures.

    By the way, I have lurked around your blog for well over a year, it has come along quite nicely.

  2. Outrider says:

    And the “change” is starting with the introduction of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. For people that actually read Obamas website Change.gov before the majority of it was purged, they will recognize most of that agenda reflected in this act which will be brought forward tomorrow, 26 Jan.

    I consider it one of the larger socialist programs brought forward in many a year. And you are correct; with a Democrat controlled House and Senate, passage of this act is guaranteed.

    As you note in your thread there is a tendency on the part of the Democrats to deal with surface issues and not treat the underlying causes. An economy is not brought out of a recession by repairing roads, insulating HUD houses, or computerizing medical records. These are paybacks to an electorate and the furthering of a socialist agenda. Again, merely treating surface issues, not underlying ones.

    Terrorists? This party is again looking at what THEY FEEL are core issues without understanding the people they are dealing with. The majority of Democrats cannot fathom the concept of being hated simply because we ARE. The various terrorist groups have stated this concept quite clearly over and over again and far too many people simply refuse to believe them, choosing instead to fall back on the safer notion “we must have made them mad somehow.”

    The Democrats own the entire enchilada right now. Success or failure is in their hands.

  3. Thanos says:

    Thanks kindly for the compliment, it’s well appreciated. Between work and the enjoyment I get hanging out at LGF it’s suffered a bit lately. Hopefully work will become less intense once this year’s budget gets approved.

  4. wildbegger says:

    Well spoken by all, Obama and the rest of the Democrats don’t
    realize you can’t please everybody. All the hype and promises during the campaign are not going to happen. The economy is the first thing that should be addressed and so far I haven’t seen any
    seen any progress other than talk and more talk. Our infrastructue is in shambles but can be fixed given time and of course money. In reality, one must feel for Obama and the people
    he picked for his cabinet. I think he could have done better. With
    that said, given time, maybe some good decisions will be madeduring his administration. Closing Gitmo was a bold move
    though I think not a good one. It seems everytime Obama makes
    a decision on a problem, he winds up with a bigger problem.
    The House and Senate aren’t helping by not supporting him and
    not trying to work across the aisle. Obama said he wanted input
    from everyone, I wonder if he would take advice from the public
    and ignore the people who advise him or the one’s who are
    making the laws…

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