Did We Get Zawahiri This Morning?

Earlier there were several news stories regarding a missile strike in Pakistan, six miles north 10 KM West of Wana in the Kaloshah area of Azam Warshak, Shero Village.

Everyone is holding their breath wondering who we got, and Jawa report has speculation that Adam Gadahn is in multiple pieces.

I’m going to up the ante, by wondering if we didn’t get Ayman Al Zawahiri this morn; note this newstory from The Nation:

‘US missiles’ kill 13 in S Waziristan

Many foreigners among the dead: officials
PESHAWAR – At least 13 militants, including some foreigners, were killed and 11 others were critically injured as three missiles, allegedly fired by the US forces, hit a house in Kaloshah area of Wana District in South Waziristan Agency on Thursday, eyewitnesses said.
Immediately after the attack, the militants encircled the area and local people were barred from entering the site. 
However, the locals informed that three missiles fired from an unknown direction hit the house of Malik Khel Wazir at Shero Village, Kaloshah Azam Warsak area at midnight, killing at least 12 people, mostly foreigners, and injuring 11 others critically. 
Several rooms of the house were completely destroyed in the attacks. 
Exact identity and strength of the foreigners killed in the incident has not yet been determined, but the locals informed that they were either from Arab countries or Central Asia. An Al-Qaeda fugitive from Egypt is also reported to be among them. 
However, the officials claimed that there was a seminary near the house, which was used by the militants as a shelter. 
The killed persons were buried in the area, while the injured were admitted to local and Wana hospitals.
It is highly believed that the US forces, either from Afghanistan side or from Arabian Sea, fired the missiles. 
It merits mentioning that this is the second attack of its kind in a month. Earlier, a missile hit a hideout at Mir Ali town, killing 12

Much more on the Missile Strike at The Long War Journal

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6 Responses to Did We Get Zawahiri This Morning?

  1. Karridine says:

    If a cancerous, poisonous and murderously devious person like al-Zawahiri were to have died under that missile, humankind would benefit from it overall.

    Thanks for posting this…

  2. Thanos says:

    No problem, I just hope my speculation is correct, there are a few Egyptians in Al Qaeda in Pakistan, not just Zawahiri.

  3. Pingback: Has Zawahiri assumed RT? « nuke gingrich

  4. The point of the sword strikes home…Thanks to GWB

  5. Ayatollah Ghilmeini says:

    This is delightful news if true.

    What is most significant is this is the third major successful airstrike to nail high value targets in Pakistan; the last was almost two years ago and is alleged to have just missed Zawahiri, we got al Libi and Adnan a week or so ago and now once again.

    If true the most telling part is the surrounding of the town by a hundred or more Taliban/al Qaida- only bin Laden and Zawahiri have that much protection.

    The implications of the killing are many:

    We may have significantly debilitated AQ
    Our Humint in the badlands is much better
    We may have penetrated AQ security
    Pakistan’s military has broken from Musharraff and is cooperating

    All the above

  6. Thanos says:

    We still don’t know for certain, but this is highly encouraging. Even if we did not get Zawahiri, we got someone big.

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