Daily Archives: February 26, 2008

Deoband Fatwa Against Terrorism: Waffle-Ironed

My overall verdict on this? As Fatwas against Terrorism go this falls completely off the scale into the “not fit to wipe hog’s butts with” category. Continue reading

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British Hostage Video Airs on Al Arabiya

A new video of a British hostage aired on Al Arabiya today, from the Telegraph: The bearded captive, who appears healthy, calls for the UK to free Iraqi prisoners in return for the men’s release, in the clip broadcast by … Continue reading

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Crows Home to Roost V: Deoband Scholars Condemn Terror

At a summit of Islamic Scholars 20,000 strong in India even the Deoband scholars signed the declaration condemning terror. There’s more to this than just a show, as terror now haunts the Islamic world. It is threatening their madrassa structure, … Continue reading

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