Daily Archives: February 14, 2008

The Start of Global Cooling?

Here’s some disturbing information to ponder, much scarier than what the Goracle is saying…. Where have all the Sunspots gone?

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Superdelegate Bidding: Barack’s Got His Hand up.

Everyone is wondering if Bill and Hillary will pull out a super-delegate trump-card prior to the convention, but the bidding war is already on and Barrack has his hand up as you can see here. So what’s a super-delegate? They … Continue reading

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Nobody Ever Expects the Saudi Inquisition

After the Saudi religious police (mutaween) beat an illiterate woman into the hospital to extract a confession to witchcraft that she couldn’t read the judge handed down a sentence of death. Sound like Medieval or early Renaissance times? Wrong. It’s Saudi Arabia … Continue reading

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Happy Valentine’s Day

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Freedom of Speech in Canada; Radical Muslim Backs Down

As it is, the bounds were exceeded by the commission pursuing the case and that needs to be looked into by either the regular courts or by the legislative bodies in Canada. In my humble opinion Ezra must take this further by filing suit against the CHRC, and by finding a legislative ally willing to call for review or censure of the commission. Continue reading

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