Winter Moon Eclipsed


Two photos of tonight’s Lunar eclipse, the first a standard focus to infinity time exposure (you can see how far Earth’s rotation blurred it by the star-trail) The second taken at 1/125th and 1600 ASA. Click the thumbnails to see the large versions.


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7 Responses to Winter Moon Eclipsed

  1. Winston says:

    very nice. I am looking at it right now too!

  2. hayseed says:

    thanks it’s about total here

  3. Cartman says:

    Great pics! Thanks!

  4. lawhawk says:

    Very cool. I took a bunch of photos, but didn’t think them worthy of posting. Too much haze here to get a clear shot.

  5. Thanos says:

    I’ve got haze here as well, but I know some tricks — a 300 mm telephoto helps for one thing 🙂

  6. Thanos says:

    Hey Cartman glad you stopped by friend.

  7. Ringo the Gringo says:


    Here in LA, the clouds broke open just in time to watch the eclipse then covered up the sky again an hour later.

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