Daily Archives: September 22, 2006

Waziristan Pact Update

One of the more important events this week flew somewhat under the radar, we had a visit from President General Musharaf and with him came the governor of the rebellious Waziristan province, the possible home to Bin Laden, and one where a peace pact was recently made. Continue reading

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Why Natural Foods are Bad for You

The latest ecoli outbreak demonstrates why natural farming could be bad for you… while investigators are wandering the Salinas valley searching for source of the outbreak, I suspect the answer lies right underfoot. Continue reading

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Bush and Musharraf Meet; Discuss Waziristan, Nuclear Energy, and Kashmir

During the Press Q&A afterwards the humorous exchange came when reporters asked him about the statement regarding Armitage threatening to “Bomb Pakistan back to the stone age,” whereupon Musharraf quipped back that they would have to read his book to find out. Continue reading

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