Daily Archives: September 4, 2006

Missle Shot down in Space by Raytheon, Star Wars Does Work

Raytheon and Boeing just shot one down for the Gipper, on September 1st they took out a missile in space with their GMD system and the Exo-Atmospheric Kill Vehicle: (Don’t you love engineer-speak? Just call it EKV for short.) Continue reading

Posted in Science, Technology, The Future | 2 Comments

More Al Qaeda Deaths and Captures in Iraq

The moral of the story: If you really want to know what’s going on, you better be reading foreign papers and agencies, not AP or Reuters. Continue reading

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Tinfoil Hat Contest Rules

Previously we discussed Jeremy Rifkin, environmental imperialism, as well as how to think like a moonbat liberal. I stated that to really think like a moonbat liberal it takes a tin-foil hat to screen out reason, reality, and critical thinking abilities; along with … Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Politics | 2 Comments

Taliban Toasted, Al Qaeda Terrorist Gives Up in Baghdad

A series of changes in the past few weeks is putting them on the ropes, and demonstrates how ineffective they are as warriors. Anytime the Taliban gathers a force, they are smashed. Their only effective attacks have been on innocent, soft targets, like school busses and girl’s schools. Some warriors of Allah these are, resorting to past practice it appears they are bent on terrorizing women because men shoot back. Continue reading

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