Daily Archives: September 16, 2006

Waziristan Update

The recent release of several Al Qaeda prisoners, as detailed by Bill Roggio at The Fourth Rail looks very ominous for Waziristan if the truce is a sham. It appears to the knowledgable as if it might be, but something is … Continue reading

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Pope’s Point Proven

Islamic Radicals from the “religion of peace” are now shooting seventy year old Nuns in the back. To Death. In Hospitals. Is it time for the murder-mullahs to reap what they sow? Is it time for the islamic death-priests to die themselves? Will this generational conflict, this clash of civilizations, this “misunderstanding” as CAIR would have it, be resolved until the real instigators find Allah? Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Freedom | 4 Comments