Daily Archives: September 8, 2006

The Path to 9/11

The left is google bombing the Path To 9/11, because they can’t stand the light of even a little truth. Here’s the link to the docudrama at ABC, let’s hope they don’t over-edit. Continue reading

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Rumors of Bin Laden: The Chitralis Speak

Amidst speculative reports in the international press about the possibility of Osama Bin Laden living somewhere in Chitral, under guise, Chitral News conducted a survey, soliciting the opinion of some fifty odd people from different walks of life, including intellectuals, officials and the man in the street, to find out what was their point of view on this news. Continue reading

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North Waziristan Update

However, the President said as the focus was now shifting from Al-Qaeda to Taliban, both Pakistan and Afghanistan need to locate their command structure and destroy it. Pakistan, he said, believed that the command structure was in Afghanistan’s southern Kandahar province where Taliban were operating under Mullah Omer. Continue reading

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