Tag Archives: Vlaams Belang

The Wright Place at the Wrong Time

Is America ready for a black president? You bet. Is america ready for a socialist president supported by anti-american kooks? Never again — we already tried that with Jimmy Carter. Continue reading

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The Sound and the Fury II

The Sound and the Fury II Being an entirely random depository of evidence, findings, musings, observations, questions, & notes from my study of Vlaams Belang. This is the ugly part of journalism – raw notes and research, cut and pasted here. I wanted you … Continue reading

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The Sound and the Fury

 “The Flemish nationalists are the heirs of the collaborators of 1940-1945” Karel Dillen in 1990. .. Introduction  It’s time to detail the full facts of the controversy over Vlaams Belang simply because the main issue around the feud has become entirely obscured in the back and … Continue reading

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Belgian Coalition Talks Collapse

Sinterklaas and Zwart Piet will be leaving lumps of coal for the parliament of Belgium after tries for a coalition government once again failed on the 174th day since elections. Leterme and DeWever (CDV and NVA respectively)  once again weren’t … Continue reading

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