Germany visits the edge of the Non-Nuclear Power abyss

In Germany politicians earlier made committment to eliminate nuclear power from Germany by 2021 after unrelenting pressure over the last 20 years from the Greens. This even though Nuclear supplies 30% of Germany’s energy at present. After the trick Gazprom pulled with the Ukraine perhaps they ought to rethink that committment. See this article at Deutsch Welle for the details.

“Nuclear power will also be on the agenda,” said Jürgen Rüttgers of the Christian Democratic party (to which Merkel belongs) and premier of North Rhine-Westfalia. “The Social Democratic party and Green party can’t ignore the question of where 30 percent of our energy in Germany is to come from in the future,” said Rüttgers, referring to the amount nuclear plants have supplied until now.

In another sign of change as well, the Greens are shifting from their environmental roots as Realos gains ascendency over Fundis.

On Vacation

If there’s internet where we are going for the next week I will post, otherwise not.

Ok we are at the airport and I am blogging from my PPC 6700 just to see how it goes.

Btw, I do Love my Pocket PC 6700 — it’s a phone, it’s a video cam, it’s an MP3 player capable of receiving broadband EVDO TV & video podcasts, it’s a camera, it’s a pc with Word, Excel, powerpoint etc. I also get my email, both work and home over the air, and it usually blips in quicker than my office laptop. It seamlessly transitions from EVDO to Wifi when you cross a zone… If they weren’t so spendy I would recommend that everyone get one.

Disclaimer: I work for Sprint, and I am not speaking officially for them above. My view could be biased towards them, etc., but I still love my phone. 🙂

And now we are home again.

During vacation I read “The Force of Reason” by Oriana Fallaci, and “The Virtues of War” by Steven Pressfield. I do highly recommend both books.


Dems and RINOs kill offshore drilling

It appears Congress wants both us and our children dependent on despots and tyrants for energy.

There was good news for our energy future earlier with GE opening a nuclear power plant factory, but now the RINOs and DEMs have killed offshore drilling again. Haven’t you had enough of this? It appears Congress wants both us and our children dependent on despots and tyrants for energy.

Please take a moment to write your congress-critter and give them a piece of your mind on the topic. One note: this ammendment killed offshore drilling so a yes vote means your congress critter was against offshore drilling. One of those things our elected representatives do to obscure the truth from us.


The best news in years!

This is the single most encouraging news item I have seen in ten years because without nuclear power America is certain to falter in this century. GE has broken ground on a new factory that will make next-generation Nuclear Power plants, see the story here.

I never thought this would happen, Continue reading “The best news in years!”

Bush speaks on Nuclear Power

This is going to get lost in the immigration hubub, but it’s very important. One of the the most significant things President Bush has done is to bring nuclear power back into discussion, and with a favorable light. See coverage of the speech and video here at NEI.

We are entering a time of great promise. Our economy is creating new jobs. It is also creating new demands for energy. Our electricity demand is projected to increase nearly 50 percent over the next 25 years.

America needs domestic sources of clean, affordable electricity, and that is why I strongly support nuclear power.

America’s 103 nuclear power plants now account for about 20 percent of our nation’s electricity, more than any other source except for coal. And those plants generate safe, reliable power without producing any air pollution or greenhouse gases.

There is a growing consensus that nuclear power is a key part of a clean, secure energy future.

America has not ordered a nuclear power plant in decades. France by contrast has built 58 plants since the 1970s and now gets 78 percent of its electricity from nuclear power.

Children of lightning or Children of terror?

Mankind is ingenious at tapping the energy bounty provided by nature. From the first fire, to windmills, to water wheels, to today’s electric generating plants we have progressed from superstitious awe and deification of nature to harnessing it to our every need.

Today however we have several movements that question and deny the need for more energy, and we have dangerous tyrants who oppose our advance at every opportunity. These forces all sprang from the romantic era, two driven by an idealized view of nature, and one from a religio-racist view—and they all ally when it’s convenient. Continue reading “Children of lightning or Children of terror?”