Category Archives: Science

Sense of Wonder

Some days I need to re-acquire my sense of wonder, many times I end up here.

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Sunday hodgepodge II

While the West is debating building nuclear power plants, China is building, Turkey is building, Iran is building, Russia is building, India is building, and both Australia and Finland are ramping up Uranium mining. Meanwhile, other countries like Brazil are … Continue reading

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Global warming developments

Interesting development in Canada, to paraphrase the essentials : if we knew then what we know now Kyoto would have never happened.” The fact is that “the study of global climate change is, as the Canadian Prime Minister himself has … Continue reading

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The energy future — burning water

“The Future’s going to happen.” — The Future and its Enemies, Virginia Postrel In the last article I defined the problem, and will summarize it again below: Like it or not we are a high energy society — any city … Continue reading

Posted in Energy, Politics, Science | 2 Comments

Energy ?! What, me worry?

This is the first of several articles on the subject of energy, what the future looks like, and most of all about our responsibilities. Unlike most folks looking at the problem I am not going to assume that we are … Continue reading

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Fifteen minutes, or six hours?

If UBL is found do we want to be there in fifteen minutes, or four to six hours? Continue reading

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