Category Archives: Politics

Why I’m Voting for President Obama

I’m voting for President Obama because I trust him to do the right thing, and even on the issues where we don’t agree I know that he will make his choices based on principles and what he sees as best … Continue reading

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Why I’m Voting Against Mitt Romney

There are many reasons I’m voting Democrat this election but prime among them is that Mitt Romney has no core, no soul, no integrity. There are many words that you would never apply to him after his several years of … Continue reading

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Mitt Romney: An Unshakable Record

Mitt Romney: An Unshakable Record – – YouTube.

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The Latest Obama Derangement Syndrome Email

President Obama has made inroads with our military who at first doubted him. He’s shown that he is a competent commander in chief intent on protecting U.S. interests abroad. Witness the hostage rescue from the Somali pirates early in his … Continue reading

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Qualia Soup with a short exposition on Secularism. Secularism – YouTube.

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Mitt Romney: Out of Touch

Mitt Romney might want to think before using this phrasing again.

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Post Modern Me

According to my results in the Pew survey talked about in the video below I fall into the “Post Modern” category of political typology. I owe how I got here to a strange progression of revelations over the past few … Continue reading

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Yesterday’s Quote of the Day

This comes from President Obama, via Think Progress. It once more demonstrates that Ronald Reagan wouldn’t get past the primaries in today’s zealot and wingnut led GOP. Now, when I point this out, some of the Republicans in Congress say, … Continue reading

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Morality 2 From Qualia Soup

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The GOP Courts Cracked Pots

There are many reasons I had to register Democrat after last election, this segment from Rachel Maddow shows a few of them.   Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

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