Author Archives: Thanos

Are Los Angeles and San Diego ready for La Revolucion?

While researching some of the folks behind the recent rash of Illegal immigrant rallies, I came across a few things that will disgust most Americans. Warning, some of these links lead to anti-American sites with doctored  and faked photos, some … Continue reading

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The energy future — burning water

“The Future’s going to happen.” — The Future and its Enemies, Virginia Postrel In the last article I defined the problem, and will summarize it again below: Like it or not we are a high energy society — any city … Continue reading

Posted in Energy, Politics, Science | 2 Comments

New Nukes NOW!

I was going to write a long, gentle, series of articles on why the US is going to have to build a lot of nuclear power plants soon whether we really want to or not. That is where the energy series will … Continue reading

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Sunday Hodgepodge

An assortment of things this Sunday: Today is Iraq Freedom Day, the third anniversary of the fall of Saddam. Things are getting better in Iraq, but the media isn’t presenting that, so a few efforts are underway to help them … Continue reading

Posted in Energy, Politics | 3 Comments

Creating the news — Jerry Springer meets Dan Rather

News is a product. It’s a product that sells best if the cachet is prejudice or fear, and it’s apparent that in the race for viewers all the stops are being pulled out by Dateline NBC. You have to wonder about their willingness … Continue reading

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Iraq: more excellent news

The prestigious and moderate-to-liberal think tank known as the Brookings institute has a great new study out that shows past trends in Iraq vs. present. Everything, while not perfectly rosy, is trending well. American deaths are declining,

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Energy ?! What, me worry?

This is the first of several articles on the subject of energy, what the future looks like, and most of all about our responsibilities. Unlike most folks looking at the problem I am not going to assume that we are … Continue reading

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Fifteen minutes, or six hours?

If UBL is found do we want to be there in fifteen minutes, or four to six hours? Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Science | 1 Comment


Welcome to my new online journal, I had to blow the old one out the pipes during upgrade to 2.0. Now that the frustration of upgrading to 2.0.2 is over I can take some time and put some content here. While you … Continue reading

Posted in Art | 1 Comment