Chewey Waiting for a French Fry

Chewey Waiting for a French Fry


Here’s a pic of Chewey waiting for a French fry at Sonic. This was taken with my “hideout cam”, a Sony DSC a bit older than the one shown in the link below. It takes great pics and slips in a pocket, glove box, or backpack side pocket easily due to its size and slim profile – there aren’t projections to snag on things when it’s flipped off.[amazon-product]B00153WWRK[/amazon-product]


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One Response to Chewey Waiting for a French Fry

  1. Hank says:

    What, no burger patty? If I go to Sonic and not get my dogs a burger
    patty or hot dog with out bun or condiments of course, they would
    revolt and have me for lunch. Fries are nice but burgers keep friends

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