Say it Ain’t So Sherriff Joe

Say it Ain’t So Sherriff Joe

This is a follow up to my earlier article on Sherriff Joe Arpaio and the controversies surrounding him. He appears to have some sewer maggot supporters, like neo-nazi Vito Lombardi and his White Nationalist friends. Neo Nazis tend to be narcissistic  and love to get photo ops with politicians. Wise politicians have someone vette who gets those photo ops and more importantly, who doesn’t, so they don’t get caught with politician stalker scum like Kyle Bristow, Don Black, and the like. Here you see that Sherriff Joe not only got snapped with a Neo nazi, but it was also proudly posted at Stormfront.

Conservatives take note: If the only people you can get to show up for counter demos are nutballs, it’s better not to counter protest.

*** Warning**** Video footage of WN’s and Neo Nazis. This is disgusting.

If you watch the videos at the Flaming Basterd links you will also see another camera view of this at 4:48 in, and the WN filmer earlier mumbling about how it’s too bad you can’t shoot (suspected) Obama supporters.

So Joe, say it ain’t so…. ( but so far there’s just been a short statement that the Sherriff can’t control who shows up at demonstrations. True, but a short sentence in that statement condemning white nationalism would serve better to disassociate yourself from these miserable mewling pukes. I waited a few days to post this in case there were more statements forthcoming, but I haven’t seen it if it’s out there.)

The bottom line is that his constituents love him and he’s not really in danger of becoming unelected – he does his main job well even with the occasional grandstanding. He doesn’t need scum like this to stay in office, and he should take the step to completely disavow them because he won’t be losing a thing by doing so.

Update: Vito says he wants deportations… here’s one for him.

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6 Responses to Say it Ain’t So Sherriff Joe

  1. Dinah Lord says:

    My idol has clay feet.

    Geez, Sheriff Joe, you’d think the shaved head, black shirt and mirrored sunglasses would have tipped you off.

  2. ChenZhen says:

    OT- I noticed that there’s no more “Scaled Legion”. They all get banned?

  3. Hank says:

    Well, Code Pink doesn’t support Sheriff Joe, that helps….

  4. Thanos says:

    No, it’s still there, has been having issues. I do need to go edit the roll though.

  5. Hank says:

    I wonder if the Neo-Nazis were wearing their pink underwear Joe gave them???

  6. Thanos says:

    Well tent city is still going strong, and his constituents like it.

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