The Yellow Peril Revealed

The Yellow Peril Revealed

In the last two days there’s been a new story appearing on some of the less than credible conservative blogs, and it’s also making the rounds in email. The story amounts to saying that as part of China buying into our debt that all land in the US was used as collateral, meaning your house, your business, your property.

It’s ridiculous if you think about it anytime at all, but the small nexus of hate that exists in some dark corners of the Conservative blogosphere knows little about sanity. This isn’t going to be a full-fisking of the story because I don’t want to send the nutballs traffic or direct too much attention their way since that’s the point of them posting it.

I will point out the genesis of the latest Kookspiracy theory. There are three pretty well known conservative blogs carrying the “China’s going to take our land through Eminent Domain” story, but tracking the links puts you in a circle between the blogs, until you arrive at an anti-semite neo-nazi site. I won’t name the blogs and I won’t link to them because they live on hysteria and sensationalism, building an audience of frothing crazies to gather notoriety and page hits. In other words the real yellow peril is not the Chinese, but rather the yellow journalism of the kookosphere.

On the 11th Bloomberg ran a story (and this is the only “hard cite” they’ve got,) regarding China needing assurances that their investment wouldn’t go South if they buy our paper from the Stimulus – in other words they need to know that we are serious about fiscal restraint and keeping the dollar secure.

So how did we get from a Bloomberg story on the background of China’s concern about buying our paper (which drove the subsequent Obama announcement and conference on fiscal restraint and reducing the deficit,) to “OMG! China’s Going to Take YOuR HowSE through Eminent DoMaiN!”?

All it takes is one kook.

Hal Turner is a raging anti-semite white supremacist nutball in every sense of the word. He’s prone to making threats and cooking up Kookspiracies. I will not link to his site because the stench of madness flies up the flue at that house, but you can see various historic pages from his site here in the Wayback machine. Note the ads in the sidebars etc., there are also news articles in archives like this one to be found.

For those who don’t believe that Hal Turner is a raging nutball with lots of neo nazi fans, here’s a snip from an article on his blog:

Many visitors to this blog thought I was some sort of nutcase for my story which revealed that upwards of 775,000 American citizens are on lists to be rounded up by our government.

Just from a skim of his current blog content and comments he also appears to be a white supremacist neo-nazi who floats a lot of conspiracy theories. He does a radio show as well, but I’m not sure if that’s just podcast or what.

Harold Charles “Hal” Turner is an American white nationalist and white supremacist from North Bergen, New Jersey. He ran his program, The Hal Turner Show, as a webcast from his home once a week, and depended on donations from his listeners. He quit the show in July 2008. In August his website also closed down, though he retains a blog.

Wikipedia has a long entry on him, with lots of links at the bottom if you require further verification. Some of those links are now gone since his blog was swarmed by Anonymous, but many of the news links are there to confirm, and the Wayback machine is also linked here to confirm.

So what is the point here? Just this: There are legitimate voices on the right that value Conservative principals like honesty deeply, but this story doesn’t come from any of them.

People who run with this are not very credible because it took me all of 20 minutes last night to sift this out. Republican politicians, pundits, and bloggers need to be careful of their associations because this stench doesn’t come out — and you certainly don’t want your picture taken with these kooks.

Where does the truth in the Stimulus paper lie? Well the Chinese will get something strategic or political out of this, but trust me that it won’t be your house.

*note: Some history on the original “Yellow Peril”  please take note of the marked similarities in source and slanders.

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13 Responses to The Yellow Peril Revealed

  1. reeko says:

    “Well the Chinese will get something strategic or political out of this, but trust me that it won’t be your house.”

    – unless u live in Tibet. that’s what they got out of it. Taiwan is next… 😉 reeko

    Hillary avoids Tibet on 1st China visit

  2. joe blowe says:

    In a roundabout way, they will own ‘wealth’ in America as payment for the loaned money. I can see the posting as a warning about the selling of the country, which has been going on for some time. Does anyone know what the size of foreign ownership is of the US wealth ?

  3. Thanos says:

    Reeko: that very well could be part of the payoff.

    Joe: Remember the panic about the Japanese buying the west coast a few years back? Foreigners invest in property in the US because it’s one of the safest and most attractive places to own land. They pay taxes on their properties, they maintain them. Better that than the houses sit empty and run south. The article panics over government taking, not individual purchases, and it gets the panic rumor from a raging nutball site. It’s a big fracking distraction in light of the important things going on that need to be fought.

  4. joe blowe says:

    How about this ?

    America for sale… in an ‘expo’, in China.

  5. joe blowe says:

    The question can only be answered knowing the percentage of foreign ownership. Is this how the ‘deficit’ is being paid for ?
    I don’t believe it is ‘trivial’, but perhaps one of the most pressing issues.

  6. Thanos says:

    No, it’s not a pressing issue except to the paranoid. Unemployment, that’s pressing. Our energy future, that’s pressing. The war in Afghanistan, that’s pressing. Your fear of foreigners isn’t a concern for most. The quickest way to de-communize China is to keep up trade with them.
    Also, since you are writing from Alberta, why is this a concern of yours anyway?

  7. Thanos says:

    Joe, you only get to comment if you answer questions. Why do you care in Canada? Since you didn’t answer the last here are some more as well:

    Do you have the 14 words memorized? Did you ever get that revisionist book by John Sack on your wish list at Amazon?

  8. aNZu says:

    Sean Hannity is good friends with Hal Turner from way back.

    The Internet collective “Anonymous” dug up a lot of interesting facts about him during their feud. I recommend Googling for it. I tend to think that Turner is some kind of Federal agent. Despite all his rantings about killing immigrants, his wife is Hispanic. It’s also really odd that he is permitted to say some of the outrageous things he does (including open incitement to violence) without falling foul of law enforcement somewhere along the line. It’s curious that he doesn’t. I know you Americans have your 1st Amendment, but some of the stuff he says is so over the top he comes off like an agent provocateur.

  9. Thanos says:

    That’s an unproven rumor and moot point, he’s not reliable source either way.

  10. aNZu says:

    That’s an unproven rumor and moot point, he’s not reliable source either way.

    Thanos: I deleted the long obfuscation of the fact that conservative blogs are repeating nazi agitprop.

  11. Thanos says:

    There are cartoon nazis, and there are nazis in suits. It’s the nazis in suits, the “racialists” “traditionalists” “Neoconfederates” Modern Coughlinites, Lew Rockwell, Rockford institute Racialists and tribal supremacists you try to hide with your whitewash comments.
    You sound like one of the “we aren’t racists, we are racialists” crowd, or an apologist for them.

    I feel another article coming up.

  12. aNZu says:

    bladda bladda bladda, yadda yadda yadda.

  13. Thanos says:

    A poseur, there is free speech in America, take a gander at stormfront if you don’t believe me. You are just here to pimp for the racialists, which is why your comments are being dissappeared. My blog, you don’t get to proselityze here.

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