PBS’s Bill Moyers Goes Anti-Semite

PBS’s Bill Moyers Goes Anti-Semite

In a recent journal, PBS’s Bill Moyers hops once more aboard the cycle of violence diatribe, and in all his furious peddling he lets slip his true feelings regarding Jews and Arabs. Forget the biological idiocy of the statement he makes for a moment and look instead at what he really says, the entirety is quoted below so none may say this is out of context, the slip is highlighted, and I’ve a few footnotes to Bill’s talking head pseudo-objectivism.

But brute force can turn self-defense into state terrorism (1). It’s what the U.S. did in Vietnam, with B-52s and napalm, and again in Iraq, with shock and awe. By killing indiscriminately – the elderly, kids, entire families by destroying schools and hospitals — Israel did exactly what terrorists do and exactly what Hamas wanted. It spilled the blood that turns the wheel of retribution (2).

Hardly had Israeli tank fire killed and injured scores at a UN school in Gaza than a senior Hamas leader went on television to announce, “The Zionists have legitimized the killing of their children by killing our children.”  (3) Already attacks on Jews in Europe are escalating — a burning car crashes into a synagogue in Southern France, a fiery object is hurled through a window in Sweden, venomous anti-Semitic graffiti appears across the continent, and arsonists strike in London. (4)

What we are seeing in Gaza is the latest battle in the oldest family quarrel on record (5) . Open your Bible: the sons of the patriarch Abraham become Arab and Jew. Go to the Book of Deuteronomy. When the ancient Israelites entered Canaan their leaders urged violence against its inhabitants. The very Moses who had brought down the commandment “Thou shalt not kill” now proclaimed, “You must destroy completely all the places where the nations have served their gods. You must tear down their altars, smash their pillars, cut down their sacred poles, set fire to the carved images of their gods, and wipe out their name from that place.”

So God-soaked violence became genetically coded. (6) A radical stream of Islam now seeks to eliminate Israel from the face of the earth. Israel misses no opportunity to humiliate the Palestinians with checkpoints, concrete walls, routine insults, and the onslaught in Gaza. As if boasting of their might, Israel defense forces even put up video of the explosions on YouTube for all the world to see. A Norwegian doctor there tells CBS, “It’s like Dante’s Inferno. They are bombing one and a half million people in a cage.”

Jumping to the racist comment near the end, you can see where Bill says “God soaked violence became genetically coded” at footnote 6. Disregard the blazing ignorance of evolutionary biology for the moment, instead you have to wonder if Bill is racist against Jews, or Jews and Arabs both since he is saying that either or both have “violence genetically coded”.

Going back to the top:

(1) The state terrorism line is exactly the same as used by Darul Uloom, the premier Deoband Wahabbist madrassa in India, in their recent “anti terrorism” fatwa which basically implies that most terrorism comes from the state enforcing laws against militant Islam. Bill seems in high accord with those fundamentalist terror apologists, and it’s somewhat disheartening to hear our public tax dollars used to preach Wahhabist Mullah talking points.
(2) The military in Iraq and in Gaza has shown remarkable restraint, if you look at cause for casualties in Iraq you will find the overwhelming majority of civilian deaths in the terrorist column. To equate the old style war of Viet Nam with modern war is either insipid or ignorant.
(3) The Israelis took fire from the area of the UN compound and fired back. What were the terrorists doing at the UN compound?
(4) By Bill’s logic terror anywhere against innocents is justified by any act of state preservation, is it ok to burn Armenian churches in San Francisco because of the Nagorno/Karbakh contretemps? Again Bill echoes the reasoning of the 9/11 troofers, Hamid Gul, and the Ron Paul camp when they say we caused 9/11.
(5) The oldest family quarrel? Bill’s never heard of the Veddic/Dravidian wars (google “Tamil Tigers”,) nor the animosity betwixt the Greeks / Turks/ and Persians, and before that the Parthians? If we came out of Africa, what about those ancient tribal conflicts?

There’s much more that could be said, in particular about the Norwegian doctor Bill quotes, but you probably already know that.


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5 Responses to PBS’s Bill Moyers Goes Anti-Semite

  1. Susan says:

    Someone ought to tell the self-made illegitimate individual that Israel is NOT doing what terrorists do: she is NOT using schools & mosques as munitions dumps & bunkers, nor is she using her women & children as sandbags & mules. Then again, when he’s as deep-seatedly racist as he is, I guess it wouldn’t even do any good to tell him that Torah said “Thou shalt not MURDER”, NOT “Thou shalt not kill,” or that modern archaeology has confirmed what Torah tells us: that the Canaanites were monsters (they practiced child sacrifice). IOW, it’s not the Jews who are needlessly violent….

  2. Outrider says:

    It is astounding the sheer amount of anti-Jewish sentiment is coming out with no restraint in the last six months in particular. I have noticed it creeping out in mainstream ever since the 2006 elections. The euphemisms, such as Zionism, that have always been used have now been discarded in favor of the more vitriolic anti-Jewish messages.

    And yet we continue to hear nothing being said about this amazing turn of events by American Jewish groups, much less organizations like the UN or civil rights groups.

    The longer this is permitted to continue, the stronger and more destructive it will become until it culminates into some kind of physical actions taken against Jews. This would not be tolerated for any other groups; why Jews?

    We need more outrage against it, to include sending letters to PBS, NPR, and Bill Moyers letting them know of our feelings towards this kind of speech. As PBS is a taxpayer subsidized organization, I recommend letters to your representatives also.

  3. Pingback: Noblesse Oblige » Blog Archive » Bill Moyers Backpedals

  4. wildbegger says:

    Hamas, The Taliban, Al Queda and all the rest of the terrorist
    organizations are well practiced in using innocents for human
    shields and use the casualties for their propaganda. I’m sure the
    IDF used every means available to prevent non-combatant casualties but Hamas encouraged them by using schools, mosques, UN compound and hospitals for launching their rockets.

  5. Rich Andrews says:

    Hardly had Israeli tank fire killed and injured scores at a UN school in Gaza than a senior Hamas leader went on television to announce, “The Zionists have legitimized the killing of their children by killing our children.” (3)

    i’m surprised you didnt mention the hamas leaders’ mis-plagiarizing Golda Meir, who said: “We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us.”

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