I’ve got a lot of loose ends from the year to wrap up, so once I get on vacation you will probably see a glut of posts to wrap up the year. There are many posts that were merely part 1 of a series that become extremely important as we go into an Obama administration and a rebirth from the ashes of the Republican party.
Some of the loose ends:
Hunger and the Economic downturn
Energy Futures under the Obama Administration
The rest of the who is We series
Some better analysis of what’s going on in Pakistan and India post-Mumbai
More on the Global Warming debate
I’ve also been looking through some of my past posts on Pakistan and my original naivete from both my original ignorance of culture in Pakistan coupled with an optimistic long-term outlook shines through in a few places – I’ll be correcting and updating some of those. Blogging is nothing if it’s not both truth and a learning experience.