Daily Archives: December 29, 2007

Jaish e Muhammed Commander Killed

Police and the Indian 44th Rashtriya Rifles killed a JeM commander in a sweep of Ladkigam Drubgam. The sweep came after intelligence indicated the presence of Jaish e Muhammed in the village, and during the ensuing firefight the JeM commander, Abdul Gani … Continue reading

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Baitullah Mehsud Denies Assasination

UPDATE: Let’s get the record and chronology straight — first a lot of press people are getting things wrong. Baitullah Mehsud is self-declared Taliban, of the Pakistani, not Afghan flavor. He is loosely aligned with Al Qaeda, and agrees with them on things, … Continue reading

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Will Al Qaeda also Murder Cricket in Pakistan?

The Australian Cricket team is considering canceling their tour of Pakistan in March, which will effectively cancel three tests and five one-day games. From Malaysia Sun: Melbourne, Dec.29 : The Australian cricket team is almost certain to cancel a tour … Continue reading

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All Parties Committee to Discuss Pakistani Elections

The government has decided to host an all party committee meeting to discuss how the upcoming elections should be held. I would wager that they are wanting postponement, and to give PPP some grace to put forth a new candidate … Continue reading

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