Category Archives: The Future

Posts about the Future

Cloud done right

This Google Cloud Data center is a thing of beauty to anyone who has maintained large scale IT infrastructure long term. It’s well constructed, simply laid out, and efficient. The computing power displayed in these fully populated rows of chassis’ … Continue reading

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Future of Technology survey from Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project

A majority of Americans are optimistic about technology’s potential impacts on our future even after the last couple of decades of dystopian future films from Hollywood. Most of them when asked about specifics like personal implants or robots caring for … Continue reading

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Intelligence Gathering and the Unowned Internet – NSA, Berkman Center Panel Discussion

A good discussion on what’s right and what’s wrong with the current NSA rule sets and oversight. It starts dry but gets very interesting, please stick with it to the end. The long-term viability of an unowned, open Internet remains … Continue reading

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Some Sanity From the Kansas House

Educating our children is one of the most significant things we do as parents and as a society. It’s something key that differentiates us as a species from the other species on this planet – no other species takes as … Continue reading

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‘Electronic skin’ equipped with memory

This is merely the beginning — nano-technology razor thin wearable and/or implantable sensors coupled with computer on a chips wearing highly accurate medical devices that track everything will become the norm as these devices will become printable or otherwise available … Continue reading

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Volvo Road Magnets Tell Autonomous Cars Where to Go | EE Times

An interesting direction from the world of autonomous cars. Carmakers have been stuffing intelligence and instrumentation into cars since at least 1980 in an effort to get them to drive themselves, safely. Autonomous-car designs almost all depend on stuffing enough … Continue reading

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Mann and Rahmstorf on IPCC 2013

There’s not room for doubt or argument any longer. ? Mann and Rahmstorf on IPCC 2013 – YouTube.

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MDG’s – What We Need for the Future but What Conservatives Will Hate

Much more information here

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No Slowdown in Global Warming

Peter Sinclair on the recent media storm purporting that Global Warming has somehow slowed or stopped.

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What’s the best encryption method for security?

This question is getting asked a lot, and the answers you see out in the public sphere of the internet range from pathetically underwhelming to just plain wrong in some cases. So this is my attempt to point people in … Continue reading

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