Category Archives: Science

Plasma Rockets & Solar Storms


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Creationism & Climate Denialism – The Future Tearing Points in the GOP

In this video P. Z. Meyers, Genie Scott, and Larry Moran discuss the ideologies driving the GOP’s anti science and anti-reason voter blocs as well as the tactics of the Tea Parties. At the local levels I’ve pointed out how … Continue reading

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The evidence for climate change WITHOUT computer models or the IPCC

Another excellent video on global warming from Potholer54 The evidence for climate change WITHOUT computer models or the IPCC – YouTube.

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Arctic Ice Breaks Up in Beaufort Sea Back in March

A series of intense storms in the Arctic has caused fracturing of the sea ice around the Beaufort Sea along the northern coasts of Alaska and Canada. High-resolution imagery from the Suomi NPP satellite shows the evolution of the cracks … Continue reading

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Waterproof Camera with GPS

It works great underwater, (see photos below) and the built in ability to imprint time and latitude longitude onto the photo and/or to just capture them to metadata are great tools for scientists, police, sports enthusiasts, and others who need to document either their play or work. Continue reading

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Gamma Rays From Thunderstorms and Dark Lightning

There are amazing things happening in the skies above thunderstorms. Researchers studying thunderstorms have made a surprising discovery: The lightning we see with our eyes has a dark competitor that discharges storm clouds and flings antimatter into space. Astrophysicists and … Continue reading

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Night of Meteors

From EsoCast. Look closely and see a meteor shower captured in this series of timelapse shots. On 14–16 December 2012, the Geminid meteor shower made a spectacular appearance over ESO’s Paranal Observatory in Chile. As the meteors showered down over … Continue reading

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Religious Politics and Secular Values Changed Louisiana

This is good overview of how the creationist groups work behind the scenes on anti-science and regressive social legislation. It’s not just evolution – it’s also gay marriage, climate change, stem cells, right to die, and other issues where religious … Continue reading

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I took this an hour and half before sunrise today from my yard, it took quite a bit of fiddling about in photoshop to get the white balance and light levels correct. The thumbnail will look mostly black, so click … Continue reading

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A New Climate State: Arctic Sea Ice 2012

A new video produced by independent videographer Peter Sinclair for The Yale Forum on Climate Change & The Media explains what expert scientists now find to be the lowest extent of Arctic sea ice in recorded history. via A New Climate … Continue reading

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