NSA Spying? Worry more about Google, Yahoo, and Cisco

To all of you tinfoil-hat wearing liberals worried about Bush and the NSA, here’s where your focus should be instead. 

For those who support freedom of internet reporting, here’s an interesting site:

                       Reporters Without Borders

New World report just out today: 2005 World report

Pseudo-Hillary gets Recalled…


Commander in Chef………. canceled.

And in more interesting news, try to picture how they got this guy out of the stall…

 And in the things get weirder everyday category…. I will cop to the fact that I have paid real, hard currency dollars for virtual things in an imaginary world…. what’s strange is the turn this has taken….. See the articles in Wired, AP, and Business Week…. Continue reading “Pseudo-Hillary gets Recalled…”

More NYT near-traitorous idiocy

The New York Times has found another congressional leaker for the world socialist cause. See the article here. Yes, all the parts of this are declassified, I read them myself in some science rags, however the pieces assembled and the methods proposed are not declassified I would bet. Continue reading “More NYT near-traitorous idiocy”

Moussaoui Gets Life

Mouissaoui gets life -the jury here probably had in the back of their mind “but if we kill him as he wants then that’s another martyr for Islam….” That’s fear talking.

 Moussaoui Gets Life

Although we wanted death. This shows me that in subtle ways the terrorists methods are changing us — the jury here probably had in the back of their mind “but if we kill him as he wants then that’s another martyr for Islam….” That’s fear talking.

On the way home, a local radio talk show host, Jerry Agar, broadcast my thoughts pretty well…. He paraphrased a quote that General Norman Schwarzkoff had given to a reporter who asked “What do you do if someone attacks who wants to die?”

 Stormin Norman replied something to the effect of

     “You help him get there as fast as you can.”

Charles Johnson’s thoughts at LGF. Here’s Counter Terrorism blog take.

Brilliant not so smart

It’s campaign season, and the dirty tricks are starting already at Wikipedia. See the Fox news story here.

“My campaign manager Morton Brilliant, who is responsible for all the work in my office, has offered me his resignation and I have accepted it,” Cox said in a statement.

Republicans should know better, and Cox did the right thing in fireing Brilliant. For another example of wiki-prop see Little Green footballs.

The Immigration debate is on


Here are Senator Bill Frist’s comments on Illegal Immigration in Podcast, and here are the written comments at the Volpac blog — you can see how the sentiment is running. A quote from Senator Bill Frist:

We are a nation of immigrants built upon the rule of law. And so many legal immigrants have played by the rules when coming to this country and making a life for themselves and their families. We should not break faith with those who played by the rules, so I will not support amnesty. We respect the rule of law and those who made it here the right way, and are trying to make it here the right way, rather than reward those who came here the wrong way.

Warning: the next link will load slow, thousands of comments from angry Republicans. 

While you are there, leave a comment — if you skim through the thousands there already you can see folks are mightily ticked off.

Libs and Loons

It seems that local issues have now come to the forefront — LA Mayor figures out how to do math: 294 Million Americans, 11 million Illegal Immigrants who can’t vote (except in democratically controlled precints… like California. ) hrmmm maybe he’ll go talk to those NFL guys in Dallas instead hanging out with his friends at the Illegal Immigrants marches Monday.

If you need to know why the illegals come here, here’s one view.

If you want to know the price of uncontrolled immigration down the road, check Sweden. In 20-30 years will we see demands for separate laws for La Raza? More on the Swedish situation from LGF.

And just so you leave with a couple of chuckles: We have the highest gas prices in quite a while, we are at war, we have a large scale public concern over illegal immigration, and what are your favorite new Dems focused on?

Moonbattery shows us one democrat focused on making it harder and more expensive to generate power. Ehhh liiiotttt – ET says “phone home.”


What gets a Democrat’s panties in a twist real quick? — Bad mouthing their staffer in front of Paul Newman…. See Weiner Whining at Karl Kruger.

Just to be fair and balanced, here’s a story about a nutty capitalist suing a blogger in Maine.

If you were incompetent enough not to test a phone number before you published at a State of Maine tourism site, wouldn’t you feel silly if it were a phone sex hotline? Would you then as an Ad PR agency working in electronic media be stupid enough to sue a blogger who reported it for 3 Million dollars ???? Share this around folks, MaineWebReport needs some help.

The Last Bloody Century

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all convictions, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity. – Yeats 

**WARNING: Contains graphic pictures of the results of ultimate evil. Do not continue if you are tender of heart or weak of spirit.

_135476_Pile_of_skulls_and_bones_from_Cambodia_killing_fields1.jpg The last century was the bloodiest in all of history   Wars took millions, and serial killers took the lives of many here in our country, but one evil philosophy outdoes them all.

The full tally of deaths in the 20th century by violence stands well above 200,000,000. About 35 million people were killed in wars, and 169 million souls were murdered, starved, tortured, beaten, crushed, gassed, marched, flogged, or worked to death by their own governments.

Continue reading “The Last Bloody Century”

When government fails, citizens rise

This is an election year, mid-term for many congressmen and senators — you can expect the rhetoric to steadily ratchet up between now and November, but with National issues there are only three that will carry through to November & potentially impact results. How will they play in the mid-terms?

Right now the three top national issues are gas prices, illegal immigrants, and the war.

The war I expect will take care of itself, while violence does continue, by November with a real government in place and the people of Iraq starting to turn on the jihadis, I don’t expect this to decide local elections except for the hard-core who are already committed. By a year from now we will begin seeing “Iraq — the Forgotten War” leads from the MSM.

By November, the gas prices will be forgotten, unless they stay high until then. If so, expect a major bloodbath among all Congressional incumbents.

Illegal Immigration is the one issue with definite staying power, and congress-critters had better tune in to the mood of their constituents and quickly, because it’s not about peace love and understanding anymore.

School-bus Nagin disallows trailer trash by his gated communities

Another episode in the FEMA trailer drama, School Bus Nagin finally allows some trailers in after a stern talk from Chertov.

In an excellent article, Von Mises institute explains better than I did last night why Congress is responsible for the gas shortage, and why they are the only ones who can fix it.

Meanwhile, 73 percent of adults in america now cruise the internet regularly. Farewell dotcom bust, farewell MSM — it won’t be long before most of america is screaming for bandwidth that isn’t there, and the “dark fiber” we have today will be lit brighter than a thousand suns.

Japan is faced with Defense cost sticker shock now that we are asking them to become more self-reliant.

China is building nuclear reactors at a pace of two per year.

Virginia Postrel points out some interesting demographics on church governance.