Hans Rosling: Yes They Can

Hans Rosling: Yes They Can

A marvelous presentation by Hans Rosling, please ignore the Obamanistic term a moment – Hans tells you what I’ve thought all along. Energy is key, what good is advantage if you are living on an island of wealth and the rest of the world is shipwrecked on the reefs of third world despair?
Do poor neighbors make good neighbors, or would you prefer your neighbors to have the energy wealth that you do? Are high infant mortality, poor education, and poverty things which any country can really overcome? Yes, they can.
Please take a moment to think of the difference between “yes we can,” and “yes, they can.” We can’t do this for them, we must however convince them to do it for themselves. Environmental Imperialism won’t get us there.

Yes they can! from Gapminder Foundation on Vimeo.

This is where we’ve lost our moral footing. Charity as it is today is mostly maintenance and displacement activity to help the wealthy nations feel better about themselves. Our support for advancing third world countries is best when we are demonstrating why liberty works to strengthen a nation, why education works to strengthen a nation, and most of all why abundant clean energy is the bedrock that future civilization will stand or fall upon.

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