Year End Changes


Year-End Changes

I’ve changed the blog theme to one more modern, however if you like the old Noblesse theme better then you can still select it, or its parent theme, Ocadia, from the “Theme Switcher” widget in the sidebar. The new theme is a bit more bandwidth heavy. I’ve selected Inanis Glass as the new theme because it uses newer features like transparency, and because it’s a bit more “Ajaxified”.  I do not plan on spending any time caring and feeding for the old themes, so new features will only appear in the main Inanis theme.

Inanis comes pre-packaged with seven different backdrop/color templates – you can select the one you like by pressing the blue button at the bottom left. If you are on low bandwidth or otherwise slow connection then you should select “light” or go back to Noblesse in the sidebar widget.  There are also comment and post navigation options along with a search window. If you scroll over the pages in the bottom bar, you will also get a popup with some of the child pages of each category. Over time I plan to adapt some of my photos to the theme and learn a bit of CSS in the process.

My traffic’s lower than usual because I’m not doing much that’s topical and believe it or not I like that. I do not want a blog that I have to watch over constantly, it can get wearing especially during holidays. I will go back to normal blogging after the holidays but expect more on what the future might look like and less on the latest political row. That doesn’t mean I will stop blogging about political matters however since  that’s something too hard to resist when things go remarkably askew.  

I wish everyone a Happy Hannukah, Merry Christmas, and Prosperous New Year.

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One Response to Year End Changes

  1. Python says:

    It looks great ….

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