Daily Archives: December 2, 2006

I Fly US Airways

The Imams who created the fuss by deliberately provoking a response from the passengers and airlines are instituting a boycott. Since I respect airlines that think of passenger safety first and cultural sensitivities second, I will be flying US Airways at … Continue reading

Posted in Freedom, Politics | 1 Comment

Women’s Protection Bill is Law in Pakistan

President Perez Musharraf of Pakistan has signed into law the Women’s Protection bill, which created a spate of demonstrations by the radical anti government MMA. The MMA is the party that vocally supports the Taliban and extremist sharia views in … Continue reading

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Bin Laden and Chitral

There’s been much speculation that Osama Bin Laden is or was hiding in Chitral, and many articles written about it. As I pointed out in earlier posts here, Chitral’s not a place he would stay for any length of time. However, the … Continue reading

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