We’ve Got the Dream, They’ve got the Spleen

Republicans think there is a future, that we are all not automatically doomed, that we aren’t strange meat-puppets awaiting our fate. Republicans think there is reason, purpose and meaning to life. Republican initiatives will help your children and your grandchildren.

To carry on with the theme from my earlier post: elections are about the future, not the past seen through a distorted, dark mirror. While the pundits have the Dems sweeping to power I’ve made my prediction, and Karl Rove seems to be saying much the same. I expect the Republicans to lose some seats, perhaps 6-10, but hold control of the house. I expect it would be a miracle if the Dems took the senate.

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Black Tuesday

Just a reminder, yesterday was black Tuesday and Microsoft released several security patches. Please go to Microsoft Update and get patched if you have Gates Gear.

Just a reminder, yesterday was black Tuesday and Microsoft released several security patches. Please go to Microsoft Update and get patched if you have Gates Gear.

North Korea Nuke test

(URGENT) N. Korea tests nuclear weapon at Hwadaeri near Kilju at 10:36 am: Defense Ministry — Report from South Korea Defense Ministry

(URGENT) N. Korea tests nuclear weapon at Hwadaeri near Kilju at 10:36 am: Defense Ministry  — Report from South Korea Defense Ministry

North Korea is claiming to have tested a nuclear bomb. This report at present is unconfirmed by any other government, no seismic activity yet reported or detected. More to come.

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Missile Defense Has A Banner Month

September was a heck of a month for Missle Defense with several successful tests, contracts awarded, and barriers broken. This wasn’t on everyone’s radar screens at the time, but it’s important in the Pacific with North Korea now promising new nuclear tests.

missile-japan-patriot-bg.jpgSeptember was a heck of a month for Missile Defense with several successful tests, contracts awarded, and barriers broken. This wasn’t on everyone’s radar screens at the time, but it’s important in the Pacific with North Korea now promising new nuclear tests.

While some critics are arguing against missle-defense with cost-based logic, the missile launches by North Korea earlier this year outweigh all arguments. If one of those were capable of hitting Hawaii or California, at the time there wouldn’t have been anything we could have done to prevent it. That must change, the nuclear djinn is out of the bottle and over the next fifty years no matter how vigorously we combat nuclear proliferation, other countries will also gain nuclear capabilities.

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The Senate Moves

Watching the senate move legislation is akin to watching a slug cross frozen Lake Michigan, it’s always two whole eternities of debate before they can do anything. Every senator has to stake out their turf, shift their turf, and retriangulate five times before deciding anything.

Today’s an exciting day — the DOW neared it’s record mark, Gasoline prices are low, Unemployment is low, New housing sales are strong according to the latest report, we have killed 4,000 terrorists in Iraq, and another 2,000 in Afghanistan just since the start of summer.

To put the real icing on the cake the Senate finally did something to enable our soldiers to interrogate prisoners, and to enable the government to Try the detainees at Guantanamo.

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Missle Shot down in Space by Raytheon, Star Wars Does Work

Raytheon and Boeing just shot one down for the Gipper, on September 1st they took out a missile in space with their GMD system and the Exo-Atmospheric Kill Vehicle: (Don’t you love engineer-speak? Just call it EKV for short.)

Raytheon and Boeing just shot one down for the Gipper, on September 1st they took out a missile in space with their GMD system and the Exo-Atmospheric Kill Vehicle: (Don’t you love engineer-speak? Just call it EKV for short.)

raytheon-exoatmospheric-kill-vehicle-art-bg.jpgRaytheon Company components played key roles in the destruction of a ballistic missile target in the latest successful flight test of the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system conducted Sept. 1. The Raytheon-built Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle (EKV) intercepted the ballistic missile target in space over the eastern Pacific Ocean. The Raytheon-developed Upgraded Early Warning Radar (UEWR) at Beale Air Force Base, Calif., successfully tracked the target system for approximately 15 minutes during its flight downrange to the test several hundred miles west of California. The test marked the first time an operationally configured ground-based interceptor was launched from an operational GMD site, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif. The target was launched from Kodiak, Alaska. This test, designated Flight Test-2 (FT-2), did not have a target interception as a primary objective, but it demonstrated the EKV’s ability to successfully detect, track, discriminate and destroy a target in space. “This highly successful test of the GMD system demonstrates Raytheon’s systems performance and reliability,” said Louise Francesconi, Raytheon Missile Systems president. “FT-2 clearly demonstrates the maturity of our technology and our ability to provide this critical capability to the nation.”

Kudos also to Northrup-Gruman.

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Non-Nuclear ICBM’s Update III

Wiki news and others are reporting on Donald Rumsfeld’s recent urging of using ICBM’s with conventional war-heads. You’ve been reading it here since April, but essentially this sets up the capability to strike Iran’s nuclear enrichment factories fully, it gives us the capability to hit UBL next time he’s sighted in Darkot or Waziristan.

Continue reading “Non-Nuclear ICBM’s Update III”

Bill Gates Foundation Buys Fairbanks Daily News Miner

Seeing the banner again reminds me of happier times and stories, like the time the Mayor’s portrait got stolen, and some people who shall remain unamed taped together a hostage note for ransom and signed it “The Fairbanks Liberation Front”. This was during the time of the Patty Hearst kidnapping, and back then Islamofascist terrorists were still a considered a joke

Well, sorta. Sorry I couldn’t resist the headline since the Fairbanks Daily News Miner was my home town paper growing up. We sometimes called it the Daily News Minus, but let’s face it there’s not much to report in a small town that far North.

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Technorati and Truthlaid rank

Week by week, still moving up, even though work had me so busy that I really slacked on blogging this week.

It’s Black Tuesday, tomorrow the Cyberjihad starts

Participants on key Arabic-language Al-Qaida chat forums on the Internet have announced their intent to launch collective cyberterrorist attacks tomorrow… I will remind everyone that today was Black Tuesday, Microsoft released 11 new patches.

This is from the Counter Terrorist blog:

Participants on key Arabic-language Al-Qaida chat forums on the Internet have announced their intent to launch collective cyberterrorist attacks tomorrow, August 10, aimed at interrupting or denying service to other pro-Israeli websites–namely the “Internet Haganah” cyberterror watchdog site run by Aaron Weisburd. When I asked him what he thought of the purported threat, Aaron expressed strong skepticism that these efforts would produce any noticeable disruption in access to his site. He replied, “They have a reasonable chance of slowing down the responsiveness of one domain of the ten associated with the Internet Haganah web site.”

More importantly, these would-be attacks represent part of a growing wave of similar defacement and denial of service attacks targeting various American bloggers and pro-Western websites.

I will remind everyone that today was Black Tuesday, Microsoft released 11 new patches. How does this apply to the above? To create a denial of service attack against a web host, it takes a lot of personal PC’s broadcasting against it. Those pc’s are gathered into a “bot-net” by herders, in this case Islamofascists — if you don’t patch you leave yourself open to becoming part of their bot-net, and part of the problem on the internet. If you have Gates Gear it’s always highly important to get patched as soon as the vulnerabilities are released because hackers are creating and delivering exploit code and virus’ in under a day from release of the security bulletins now.Â